Pasitikrinkite savo žiniasWelcome to your Test 11. Capital of Pakistan? Lahore Karachi Multan Islamabad2. This video is about? Guri aya jay Ye to ho ga Sheeda talli Molvi diesel3. Cities of Pakistan? Karachi Sydney Berlin Sargodha Dilhi Multan4. Guri aya jay Molvi diesel ny faramaya tha?TrueFalse5. Gues the object? Cup Glass Mug Spoon6. 5+5= ?7. Your new question!8. Song is about? new question!9. Capital of Punjab?Please select your answerMultanGujratRawal PindiLahore10. Describe yourself?11. Explain the History of Pakistan?12. Linear scale Question type.BadBetterGoodBest13. Your new question!Hint